Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The First One

So, I am sure you would like me to explain "And P.S." I use this term most commonly when I am all worked up about something and possibly going on and on about it. Just when my husband, family and friends think I've said my part and should be done...nope. I will say, "and P.S." and continue for a little longer. Now, I'm not always going to write about things that only get me going but it may happen occasionally. Also, I really like to talk so now I have another outlet.

My goal is to update once a week, I think Sunday is a good day for this. However it might be more, something good might happen during the week and I certainly don't want you to miss out.
I can't promise you what you should expect. I have a very hard time sitting still and I always have what I like to call "projects". I also have a lot of favorite things. No really, I love to tell people something fantastic I watched, ate, made, bought, used, tried. You get the picture. I think I will start with a few weeks of my favorite things. Lucky you.